108 Equity Partners Inc. is a private equity investment firm affiliated with 108 Securities Inc. that is focused on acquiring control positions and subsequent operation of lower middle market businesses.

We provide capital for management buyouts and/or where owner-operators who would like to retire and sell their business.

Our capital is sourced from private investors seeking risk-adjusted returns from private equity exposure and in some cases active involvement in the investment through the director and advisory roles.

108 Equity focuses on opportunities where we can bring a unique approach to this underserved market through our defining characteristics:

  • Experience – The founder, investment advisory committee, and capital partners have decades of experience in operations and finance.
  • Integrity – We are committed to treating people fairly and with the utmost respect.
  • Flexibility – We do not have a ‘cookie cutter approach’ and look at every situation independently to consider the needs of all stakeholders.
  • Value Added – We bring a wealth of resources to support and assist management to in their activities to build long-term value for the business ranging from strategic plan development to recruitment of key management positions.

For 108 and our partners, big is not always better. Through our personal, diligent, and flexible approach we provide the capacity to monetize the vision of businesses built on strong entrepreneurial foundations.